June 08, 2019 on a Saturday morning, the sun perhaps flaunted one of its final summer rays this year while you, Eye Know Right, and Child Hope marked the beginning of the mission to reach out for those underestimated young aspiring artists. We found them at the center of a busy place of Manila; that despite the uncomfortable environment, they’re tough enough like us to withstand and disregard the inconvenience just to take their time to meet us.

Luckily, Child Hope did well in keeping them focused during a short class and fun games until they’re lined-up to receive your presents that we brought. If you get to see them getting excited with those little presents, hearing their thoughts about how hard it is to live most of their childhood in the streets but still determined to proclaim their dreams, we’re wondering how you’ll protect that visions that these children hold on to.  

We’re together in this battle to save the street children’s dreams.

Regardless of what’s going on in your mind right now, will you willingly share even just one weapon for this battle to change a street kid’s life?

For four years of gaining allies like you, we sparked the mission of reducing the number of out-of-school youth by giving them free access to art education through School Project™ arriving at its reality. Our badass collaboration was empowered by Child Hope because they served as our strong bridge to extend our hopes in helping the young ones, the dreamers, the young aspiring artists.

Child Hope Philippines is a non-government organization that advocates a movement in behalf of the street children since the year 1995. The Child Hope team provides programs like the Street Education and Protection Program (STEP) that teach and train children their basic needs like education, other training, and assistance that could help the street kids renew their hopes for a better future.

And together with our solid partner, we began to put into life our mission on June 8, 2019. It’s been an overwhelming privilege to wrap and deliver your presents to the street kids under Child Hope’s care. The children playing, waving hands, and smiling made us all realize that the first step of securing our allies and weapons for this mission was a success.

While giving art kits and school supplies, we asked a girl about her vision of what she wants to pursue in the future. Her response shattered our hearts when she said that she doesn’t know what she wants to become because of financial struggle. But her hobby of writing lines she memorized from a song probably made her think and say that if ever she makes up her mind, she wants to write poems or any written thought from her mind.

After hearing that? We know, you will also want to secure these street-children’s vision. Because through your help, the vision of every underestimated young aspiring artist shall meet a safe house where any antagonist won’t dare to shatter. You, Eye Know Right, and Child Hope will continue to team up and secure their lives.

Whose soul would not want to wish for that kind of security?

The road to fighting antagonists is still a long way to go, but hey; at least it is you who made a start. And we want to greet you, our bad*ss allies with gratitude for being with us on this journey. Without your help? School-Project™ won’t be able to secure the vision of every underestimated young aspiring artist under the margin of the society.


Eye Know Right learned that if we keep on doing this mission together, our antagonists will see that we can indeed save a kid’s life-vision, one Shadies™ at a time.

A mission made solid by YOU and Eye Know Right's collaboration with Child Hope for School-Project™

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